Thank you, 2023! A Look Back at This Year in Perfumery
Villa ModeThe year-end is swiftly approaching, and December, as we know, will pass in the blink of an eye. Therefore, Villa Mode is ready to reflect on what, in our view, are the most significant events of 2023 in the industry that interests us the most - perfumery.
1. Firstly, the 'boring' news.
According to Cosmetics Business (a media for cosmetics industry professionals), the fragrance industry continues to grow and shows no signs of slowing down. At the same time, a clear trend is emerging - people are not only buying and using fragrances more than before, but they are actively seeking higher quality and longer-lasting perfumes. The search is happening in both the luxury and niche as well as the mass-market segments. Users of luxury and niche perfumes are testing the artistic and quality limits that perfumers can currently offer. Meanwhile, in the mass-market perfume segment, people are 'scouring the market' to get their desired scents as affordably as possible.
2. Trends in 2023:
When there is chaos all around (meaning everything we read in the latest news), there is usually a revival of the longing for 'the good old days' when 'the grass was greener.' Perfumers are rediscovering scents like patchouli (popular in the 60s) and amber (popular in the 80s). Nostalgia is also evoked by vanilla, sandalwood, ginger, and others - the leading aromas of bygone decades.
We, at Villa Mode, have introduced the Lesquendieu Historical Collection fragrance, Feu De Bengale, into our assortment. Originally created in 1925, it has now been revived, enveloping us in a warm, soothing, luxurious, and aristocratic vanilla. In 2024, we hope to expand our collection with other historical scents from Lesquendieu, with dreams of Oud Saffron topping the list.
This trend goes hand in hand with efforts towards sustainability and eco-friendly solutions. So, consumers are not only interested in 'green' notes (freshness, wood, plants, essential oils) but also appreciate how much of an ecological footprint the production, packaging, and transportation of a fragrance leave on nature. Of course, preference is given to ingredients from sustainable sources, the use of recycled materials in packaging, and local products that haven't been shipped from the other side of the world.
In a way, this trend aligns with the first one - nostalgia. People are now seeking fragrances that 'enhance and uplift the mood': fresh, sweet fruits, flowers, and, in moderation, citrus notes. This is excellent news because many have truly realized and experienced the powerful impact of our olfactory system. A fragrance is not just a scent; it's a sense that can both pamper and train, serving various purposes, such as improving emotional well-being.
Villa Mode embraces this trend, adding to it the growing popularity of home fragrances. Have you noticed how extensive the range of home fragrances has become in stores? This trend is observed even in shops that traditionally don't focus on perfumery or household products.
If it seems like there's a buzz around various spiritual practitioners and teachers, get ready – there will be even more in the future. The reason is quite simple – there is demand. People are seeking answers, searching for a way out, looking for meaning and a path to a better life. A topic closely related to this is aromatherapy, which, although not new, is being embraced by an increasing number of individuals.
3. Top Newcomers - Our Selection
In 2023, a plethora of new fragrances has been introduced. Villa Mode has picked five among the most intriguing:
Kajal, Masa. We have a sense that in this fragrance, several of the aforementioned trends intertwine, illuminating the threshold of the era we stand on in all its facets. An extremely multi-layered fragrance.
Byredo, Rouge Chaotique. In our opinion, one of the coziest scents to wear in the damp autumn when the northerly wind blows. Like a warm sweater and hot chocolate.
Le Labo, Lavande 31. Lavender + bergamot + neroli. Remember the nostalgia?
Diptyque, L’Eau Papier. Powdery and gentle like a love letter written in longhand on paper.
Amouage, Guidance. The princess breathes in the sweet aroma of pear, and the knight whispers an enchanting tale in her ear. Can you feel the atmosphere? As usual, Amouage creates fragrance stories.
4. Alternatives to the Classic Glass Bottle
In some cases, in the name of sustainability, and in others for economic considerations, fragrances are seeking alternative ways to reach their audience. Among teenagers, a trend is emerging with scented hair sprays (popular name + affordable price = something that the generation, which is still not earning, can afford). Another example is solid perfumes, which can be applied to the skin like a cream. It can be discussed, it can be tried, but one immediate bonus of solid fragrances is evident - travel-friendliness. No issues with volume restrictions.
5. As the Last Highlight...
...we want to mention our most personal event - the establishment of Villa Mode. The first steps have been taken, and in the near future, we aim to offer the people of Latvia fragrances that are not available (or are rarely found) in local stores. Also, of course, to stay true to our fundamental principle - quality over quantity, so that Villa Mode customers can be confident that they receive excellent works of perfumery art.
We are eagerly looking forward to the year 2024 with the utmost excitement.
Wishing you a magical holiday season!
Share in the comments what has surprised you or seemed significant in the world of perfumery this year?